Homelessness and the Relationship between Race and Socioeconomic Status

https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1LJevRoTWUBwKe5UAIfBTlB0JqgnB_uEYqkGUD_7uE6k/edit?usp=sharing This is the final project for GIS Fall 2020. Joe and I explored the relationship between...
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Finding and Displaying Spatial Data File

This is my assignment 1 map. It is a map of the leaf coverage over a month, recorded in February...
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Above is the google drive folder with my .kml data and Metadata. It is data of the map I made of places I have been in Europe. The data is on google sheets and then converted into a map. The...
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Spatial Statistics: Describing patterns

For this extra credit assignment I compared average acreage of farms through out the USA from the years 2000 to 2010. The measurement of the points is by 1,000. There is a strong positive...
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Spatial Statistics: Spatial Regression Analysis

In Assignment 19 we worked with summary statistics from data sets. I looked at data from 2000 and the number of farms in the United States in the 1,000's. With Texas having the maximum of 228...
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Open Source GIS – R Studio File

This is the first example of code for Assignment 18, it is run in the open source R coding website. This map is of the USA and two points on the map. This map is a population map of...
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Open Source GIS

For this assignment I used Geoda, an open source mapping software. I looked at the data for health, income and diversity in the year 2000 for the whole USA. When I started I hypothesized there would...
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Programming with Model Builder

This assignment was time consuming. It was fun to explore and create my own model, a model that people are able to follow and get information. Due to the problems I had in my Assignment 15, I was...
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Model Builder

For this assignment I created a model to tell GIS what data to present and what to not. I took data for tornados for the state of Iowa, and presented the parcels for the city of Waterloo. Overall a...
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3D Analysis

For this assignment I worked with 3D mapping. I imported a Drew University building shape file into GIS, and converted it to 3D. After that I imported Drew foot paths. I changed the base map to...
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